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Leveraging momentum for Africa’s Infrastructure development and regional integration to build sustainable and inclusive growth on the continent




The economy needs reliable infrastructure to connect supply chains and efficiently move goods and services across borders

CAIRO, Egypt, November 14, 2023/APO Group/ — 


Infrastructure development is an essential driver for progress on the African continent and has the potential to be an enabler of sustainable and inclusive economic growth. The economy needs reliable infrastructure to connect supply chains and efficiently move goods and services across borders.

The recent multifaceted crises, including climate-related issues, the COVID-19 pandemic and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine have all strongly impacted the countries debt surge – slowing down the emergence of large infrastructure projects. Although the direct trade and financial linkages of Africa with Russia and Ukraine are small, the war has damaged the continent’s economies through higher commodity, food, and fuel prices as well as headline inflation. The recent political instability also threatens the appetite for foreign investments and commitment on high impact infrastructure projects.

Africa is projected to have the fastest urban growth rate in the world: by 2050, Africa’s cities will be home to an additional 950 million people according to the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development). Much of this growth is taking place in small and medium-sized towns. Africa’s urban transition offers great opportunities, but it also poses significant challenges. Urban agglomerations are usually developing without the benefit of policies or investments appropriately able to meet these challenges.

Despite having contributed the least to global warming and having the lowest emissions, Africa faces exponential collateral damage, posing systemic risks to its economies, infrastructure investments, water and food systems, public health, agriculture, and livelihoods, threatening populations into higher levels of extreme poverty. Prioritizing structural transformation that is green, inclusive, and resilient will lay a foundation for resilience ahead of the next crisis. The continent is very diverse, composed of low, lower-middle, upper-middle, and high-income countries. Taking advantage of rich natural resources, the continent has the potential to shape a new development path, maximising the potential of its resources and people.

Finally, the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) currently under development will be the largest free trade area by the number of countries involved since the formation of the World Trade Organisation, given Africa’s current population of 1.4 billion people, which is expected to grow to 2.5 billion by 2050. Africa needs to produce goods and services for domestic consumption and global trade to achieve sustainable economic growth and improve living standards. One of the most prominent necessities on the continent currently, it cannot succeed without adequate high quality linking infrastructures. The continent still faces serious infrastructure gaps across all sectors, both in access and quality. Most countries lag significantly behind the rest of the world in terms of coverage of key infrastructures including transport, infrastructure, energy, water, ICT, affordable housing… A pipeline of potential projects exists but is slow on actualizing; and whilst funding is available, financial commitment and spend is lacking. Annually, there is a funding gap estimated at $100 billion for infrastructural development. 

Common vision and project preparedness are essential

In order to support infrastructure development, there is an indispensable need for government and multilateral banks to expand the flow of private sector financing into more commercially viable assets. Several projects fail to emerge due to weak feasibility study and business plans, delays in obtaining licenses, approvals and permits, inability to agree on risk allocation and to secure offtake agreements, and poor program delivery.

Individual efforts by African countries to develop infrastructure have faced significant funding deficits due to the high costs involved. As a key element of the Africa Union 2063 strategy, African countries, through the AU and regional economic communities, have adopted the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA) to address these inadequacies and enhance connectivity. PIDA aims to spearhead physical infrastructure development in transport, energy, ICT, and transboundary water resources.

In the first 10-Year Implementation Report of PIDA that was published in September 2023, the first phase of the program over the period 2012 – 2020 indicates significant achievements, with the development of 16,066 km of roads, 4,077 km of railway lines, 7 GW of hydroelectricity power production, 3,506 km of transmission lines, 112,900 direct jobs and 49,400 indirect jobs.

Over the past 10 years, $82 billion has been invested, with $360 billion required to implement all PIDA projects by 2040. While substantial commitments have been made, including contributions from AU Member States, International Financial Institutions, and other sources, it is imperative to explore additional ways to mobilize the necessary resources (such as private capital commitments via PPPs, green bonds, and climate finance). Unlocking private sector investment is vital to reach the AU Agenda 2063 objectives. 

Local governments and regional multilateral institutions need to provide investors with a common vision locally and globally. To ensure that the money is spent where it is needed, and delivers high-quality infrastructure on time and on budget, governments and private sector players need to step up to prepare, plan, and manage projects with a new level of rigor and robustness.

Regional integration as a major driver for development

Regional integration is vitally important for sustainable development in Africa. For far too long, inadequate infrastructure has held the continent back from realising its full economic potential. Lack of access to reliable energy, poor transportation networks (road, rail, ports and airports), including underdeveloped digital connectivity, have stalled Africa’s participation in the global market and prevented citizens from accessing opportunities.

According to Julien Fouilliart, Africa Market Leader for Building & Infrastructure at Bureau Veritas, an independent entity and world leader in Testing, Inspection and Certification and present in 35 countries in Africa, “This is one of the secrets to success in creating a prosperous African continent. Regional integration, where we see the countries agreeing to co-operate and work closely together to achieve economic and political stability; wealth and peace are core drivers to development and sustainability for the continent. This in turn will create an appetite for intra-African trade and shines a light on the need for regulation of standards, maintenance of high-quality products and facilitates the need for local and international trade.”

Taking advantage of rich natural resources, the continent has the potential to shape a new development path, maximising the potential of its resources and people

Corridor development is thus an integral part of boosting intra-African trade and an essential element of regional integration. Beyond physically connecting geographies, corridors will enable vital socio-economic transformation. Rail development, the backbone of corridor development, is the long-term solution for regional integration and presents great advantages in terms of sustainability and safety – in comparison to alternative modes of transport. Nevertheless, it is certainly the infrastructure that requires the largest CAPEX investment and therefore needs strong planning, and critically, weighty financing.

The recent International Forum: Financing Rail projects in Africa organized by the International Union of Railways (UIC) held in October in Dakar has been opening the debate around key issues to see these main rail corridors emerge. The structuring of project financing and the emergence of a new legal framework to mitigate risk for investors are certainly valid approaches to explore. For example, The Luxembourg Protocol to the Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment is currently under discussion. When enforced, it will set up a new global legal regime that will make it easier and cheaper for the private sector to finance railway rolling stock. The Protocol aims to increase certainty and reduce risks in asset-based financing for the acquisition and use of railway rolling stock through a global legal framework providing international recognition and enforcement of creditors’ rights.

In addition, there is a real opportunity to use mega mining investments where rail is crucial for operations to develop new corridors. For example, the Simandou iron ore project that involves the construction of a 650km-long railway in Guinea will be a strong driver for socio-economic growth, and certainly a great chance to foster sustainable development, job creation, new local expertise development, social integration, and gender diversity. It is now imperative that local governments and all stakeholders obtain maximum benefit from the opportunity.

Finally, public and private authorities need to urgently address standardization across technology, operations and safety measures to reduce lead time at borders and fully exploit the infrastructure in the medium term. Regulatory compliance and consistency are crucial across economic corridors and need to align with global compliance.

Green finance as an opportunity for sustainable and resilient development

In response to the global climate crisis, green finance is the strategic approach to incorporate the financial sector in the transformation process towards low-carbon and resource-efficient economies. Various types of infrastructure from housing to transport, energy, telecom, or water must all carry green, smart and climate resilient as core requirements.

Infrastructure development should be environmentally sustainable and meet the needs of future generations. Policies and practices to promote sustainable development and climate change mitigation needs to be implemented. This will require the governments and private developers to build resilience into infrastructure projects in regions vulnerable to climate change or other environmental hazards, such as flooding or drought.

Long term sustainability versus “quick wins” can provide quite the dilemma on the African continent. The immediate need for results can be a strong motivating force at the expense of long-term sustainable infrastructure rollouts that will provide health and safety benefits for all, and in accordance with global standards and certifications.

The global green agenda is a unique opportunity to leverage funding for critical assets needed to be developed such as affordable housing. Affordable housing is one segment of the much-needed gap in infrastructure and is an area of huge foreseeable growth. Today, 54 million people live in impoverished areas and this number is due to double by 2030. More than 74% of the population lives on less than $2USD per day according to International Finance Corporation (World Bank Group). New development schemes and the need for financial institutions and investors to greenify their portfolio can be used to leverage funding.

The green building certification schemes have showed recently that they can be a useful tool for affordable housing development. For example, the government of Kenya has issued a decree that all affordable housing projects under the nation’s “Big 4” Agenda must meet the EDGE green buildings standard (Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies). The government will provide developers with free land to build affordable housing projects that meet the government’s commitment to resource-efficient structures. The decree was enacted by Kenya’s State Department of Housing & Urban Development in the Ministry of Transport. The government targets to build at least 250,000 houses every year, for the next five years, a project that could see over six million Kenyans get proper affordable houses.

Another noteworthy example of green building standards for affordable housing development is Acorn Holding Limited, who, in 2019, issued the first Green Bond in Kenya and by extension, the East African region. The projects were benchmarked against International Finance Corporation EDGE green building standard.

Private investment will make the difference

It is essential that governments and institutions create an enabling environment for investment: a clear and transparent regulatory framework sets the foundation for a conducive business environment. Governments need to create the right legislative, regulatory, and institutional environment to attract private investors to come on board.

For instance, African Special Economic Zones (SEZ) are considered one of the main instruments that stimulate economic reforms, promote quality foreign direct investments (FDIs), and accelerate industrialization across the continent. Its main objective is to increase a country’s trade balance, employment, investment, job creation and effective administration.

According to the African Economic Zones Outlook (Edition 2021 (, more than 200 SEZs are operational in Africa with 73 projects  announced for completion in 47 countries. The land dedicated to SEZs is nearly 150,000 hectares while over $2.6 billion has been mobilized in investments dedicated to agro-processing, manufacturing, and services. In Africa, the number of special economic zones (SEZs) is steadily rising but there are still challenges to meeting industrialization, foreign direct investment attraction, and job creation targets.

Special economic zones are geographical areas that are mostly located at borders, and offer investors attractive tax incentives (reduced or zeroed), infrastructure (developed land, factory buildings and public services), a special customs regime (exemption of inputs from customs duties and taxes), and simplified administrative procedures. They owe their fame mainly to being instrumental in the economic take-off of Asian giants such as China, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Singapore.

As exposed earlier, financing is available, but lenders (private or otherwise) want to see a return on their investment. However, a lack of understanding of the African context makes it difficult for new investors. Each country needs to be treated uniquely according to its strengths and needs. It is vital that the diverse economies’ various needs are embraced. Monitoring and protection of their assets’ full life cycle, from design to construction, operation, and completion to de-risk the investment is sought, a knowledge that guaranteed funding is being appropriately managed to ensure healthy financial returns.

It is imperative that quality, health and safety, sustainability, corporate social responsibility are monitored according to global standards to ensure outstanding infrastructure is developed for the long term. Massive opportunities are anticipated and through effective facilitation of projects based on partnerships of trust and harmonization of regulatory compliance standards, it is predicated that investment appetite will mature. It promises to be a win-win all around.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Bureau Veritas.


International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC) Engages Stakeholders During the World Trade Organization Aid for Trade Review 2024 Event




African Finance Corporation, International Trade Centre, ITFC, WTO, Afreximbank, and UNIDO Sign Joint Declaration to Promote Cooperation in Support of the Cotton Sector

JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia, July 4, 2024/APO Group/ — 

The International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC) (, a member of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group is pleased to announce the Corporation’s active participation at the 9th World Global Review for Trade. This event, themed ‘Mainstreaming Trade’, was held at the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) headquarters, in Geneva from June 26 to 28, 2024.

The World Trade Organization (WTO) Aid for Trade Review is a significant global platform that brings together policymakers, development agencies, and trade experts to discuss strategies and initiatives to promote trade as a means of development. This year’s theme highlighted the importance of integrating trade into national development strategies for sustainable economic growth.

ITFC remains committed to strengthening existing partnerships and leveraging new synergies to provide our member countries with trade solutions best suited to global dynamics

The event was an occasion for ITFC to cement its strategic partnerships with the international trade community, explore new areas of cooperation, and present IsDB Group’s achievement with the publication of the IsDB Aid for Trade Report.

A joint declaration was signed between Eng. Hani Salem Sonbol, CEO of ITFC; H.E. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director General of the WTO, Benedict Oramah, President and Chairman of the Board of the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank); Gerd Müller, Director General of UNIDO; Samaila Zubairu, President and CEO of the Africa Finance Corporation (AFC), and Pamela Coke-Hamilton, Executive Director of the International Trade Centre (ITC).  The joint declaration will strengthen cooperation in areas of common interest under the coalition ‘Partenariat pour le coton’ by establishing sustainable textile hubs, supporting private sector investments, and encouraging collaboration and advocacy in Africa and beyond.

 The signature ceremony was followed by a high-level panel session titled “Cotton to Clothing: Charting Pathways to Create Sustainable Jobs for Women and Youth in West and Central Africa”. Mr. Sonbol underscored the long-lasting involvement of ITFC in cotton production in the past 15 years: US$2 billion financed to connect firms and millions of smallholders’ cotton farmers to global value chains. He also presented ITFC’s solutions programs as solutions to support investment promotion, market access, and capacity building to enable the environment for a regional textile value chain in Africa.  

In addition, Eng. Hani Salem Sonbol participated in a panel session on “Financing Aid for Trade—Regional Perspectives,” highlighting the potential for economic transformation of OIC member countries through regional integration and showcasing IsDB Group synergy that allows to offer robust regional programs to OIC member countries in different continents. 

Commenting on ITFC’s participation during the WTO Aid for Trade Review 2024, Eng. Hani Salem Sonbol, ITFC CEO, said: “ITFC’s participation at the 9th World Global Review for Trade is a clear testament to our good relations with the World Trade Organization and our support for their mission of leveraging trade to generate employment opportunities and improve livelihoods. ITFC remains committed to strengthening existing partnerships and leveraging new synergies to provide our member countries with trade solutions best suited to global dynamics. We look forward to further supporting sustainable trade, trade finance, and value creation through these strategic partnerships.”

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC).

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Republic of Congo Hydrocarbons Minister to Discuss Gas Monetization at Angola Oil & Gas (AOG) 2024




Both the Republic of Congo and Angola have outlined ambitious oil and gas production targets, representing strategic areas for bilateral investment and cooperation

LUANDA, Angola, July 4, 2024/APO Group/ — 

Bruno Jean-Richard Itoua, Minister of Hydrocarbons of the Republic of Congo (ROC), has joined the Angola Oil & Gas (AOG) conference as a speaker. During the conference – scheduled for October 2-3 in Luanda – Minister Itoua will provide insight into emerging opportunities in oil exploration, gas monetization and LNG development, as well as potential areas for collaboration between the two countries.

Both ROC and Angola have set bold production targets, aiming to increase oil output to 500,000 barrels per day (bpd) and 1.1 million bpd, respectively. Both countries’ favorable investment climates have sparked the interest of a strong slate of E&P firms, with AOG 2024 set to not only support national oil and gas objectives, but also offer a platform for engagement in emerging cross-border projects.  

AOG is the largest oil and gas event in Angola. Taking place with the full support of the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas; national oil company Sonangol; the National Oil, Gas and Biofuels Agency; the African Energy Chamber; and the Petroleum Derivatives Regulatory Institute, the event is a platform to sign deals and advance Angola’s oil and gas industry. To sponsor or participate as a delegate, please contact

To support oil production, ROC is promoting investment in frontier exploration alongside incremental production from existing assets. The Central African country – with 1.8 billion barrels of proven oil reserves – has several upstream campaigns underway that aim to unlock new discoveries. Independent energy company Perenco, for example, completed 3D seismic surveys at the Tchibouela II, Tchendo II, Marine XXVIII and Emeraude permits in November 2023. Energy major TotalEnergies has announced plans to invest $600 million to drive exploration and production activities in the country, specifically through the development of the Moho Nord field. The field currently accounts for nearly half of total Congolese oil production, producing an estimated 140,000 bpd. The investment will support drilling operations in line with national targets to bolster output.

Meanwhile, ROC is committed to monetizing its gas resources through both associated and non-associated projects. The country reached a milestone in March 2024 with the delivery of its first LNG cargo to Italy from the Congo LNG development. As the country’s inaugural LNG facility, the project employed a fast-tracked approach whereby LNG was produced just 12 months after FID. By 2025, the Congo LNG project is expected to produce 2.4 million tons per annum, with ROC joining the likes of Angola as a major African LNG exporter.

Further supporting its gas monetization drive, ROC is making progress with the development of the Bango Kayo project. Set to reach peak oil production of 50,000 bpd, project developer Wing Wah is deploying an integrated approach to expand the project through multiple phases. The project will begin monetizing previously-flared gas to support the country’s industrial sector, serving as a model for other African oil producers including Angola, which is striving to maximize production from mature assets.

Minister Itoua’s participation at AOG 2024 not only speaks to the caliber of the event as the premier oil and gas conference in Angola, but creates new opportunities for bilateral collaboration in the fields of LNG production and oilfield development. Angola and ROC – both offering promising opportunities in offshore exploration and tie-ins to existing onshore infrastructure – represent highly attractive hydrocarbons markets, with the AOG 2024 conference set to connect global investors with prospective opportunities.

Minister Itoua will be joined by Maixent Raoul Ominga, Managing Director of the Congo’s national oil company Société Nationale des Pétroles du Congo at AOG 2024. For more information, visit

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Energy Capital & Power.

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Gazprom Joins African Energy Week (AEW) 2024 as Silver Sponsor, Driving Africa’s Gas Momentum




Russian multinational energy corporation Gazprom will join African Energy Week: Invest in African Energy 2024, affirming its commitment to advancing sustainable and gas-focused energy solutions across the continent

CAPE TOWN, South Africa, July 4, 2024/APO Group/ — 

Russian multinational energy corporation Gazprom is spearheading a crucial refinery upgrade project at the Mossel Bay gas-to-fuel facility in South Africa – which advanced to feasibility stage last month – as part of efforts to support Africa’s gas monetization agenda and secure a reliable supply of refined petroleum products. As the world’s largest producer of natural gas, Gazprom will join African Energy Week (AEW): Invest in African Energy – taking place in Cape Town on November 4-8 – as a Silver Sponsor, bringing valuable insights and perspectives on harnessing Africa’s substantial gas resources.

For Africa, natural gas represents the key to achieving broad energy security and diversified economic growth. With over 620 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of proven gas reserves, the continent is seeking to ramp up gas exploration efforts, while establishing integrated, gas-based networks and downstream industries. Through new exploration campaigns, Nigeria is aiming to expand its gas reserves from 200 tcf to 600 tcf; Mozambique is spearheading development of the 18-million-ton-per-year (mtpa) Rovuma LNG and 13-mtpa Mozambique LNG facilities; and Algeria is driving production through a gas-boosting project at the Hassi R’Mel gas field. The 2.3-mtpa Greater Tortue Ahmeyim LNG project in Senegal and Mauritania anticipates first production later this year, while the Tanzania LNG project is set to produce 10 million mtpa once approval by the government is secured.

AEW: Invest in African Energy stands as the premier platform for project operators, financiers, technology providers, and governments, recognized as the definitive venue for sealing deals in African energy. For more information about this pivotal event, visit

Gazprom is consistently expanding its dialogue with African countries and stands ready to share its unique know-how and best practices

Gazprom’s expertise in gas exploration, production, processing and export positions it as a viable partner to Africa’s natural gas agenda. Last year, the company partnered with the African Energy Chamber (AEC) to host the International Gas Roundtable, an exclusive event highlighting the pivotal role of gas in stimulating economic development across the continent. The roundtable served as a unique platform to explore innovative strategies, exchange best practices and shape the future of gas development, providing valuable insights for both mature and emerging African gas producers.  

“Gazprom is consistently expanding its dialogue with African countries and stands ready to share its unique know-how and best practices in realizing mutually profitable energy industry projects with potential partners from Africa. Gazprom possesses all the necessary technologies and innovations capable to assist African countries in securing energy industry development based on the existing natural gas reserves, in decreasing the level of ‘energy poverty,’ and in improving the quality of life of the populations of African countries, as well as in resolving environmental problems,” states Dmitry Khandoga, Head of International Business at Gazprom.

Gazprom’s technical expertise in the gas sector demonstrates the potential for Africa to increase production and unlock new export markets. With projects like the Nigeria-Morocco Gas Pipeline and Trans-Saharan Gas Pipeline set to supply African gas to regional and European markets, Gazprom’s expertise is particularly crucial, as it operates a number of pipelines that deliver gas across the country and transnationally. The company deploys cutting-edge technologies in the design and maintenance of pipelines, such as the application of corrosion-resistant materials and automated monitoring systems, which increase the reliability and durability of gas infrastructure. At AEW: Invest in African Energy, Gazprom will share its expertise to foster collaboration with industry leaders, advocate for sustainable energy practices and forge partnerships that work towards Africa’s energy security and growth.

“Natural gas is a strategic tool in the fight against energy poverty in Africa. It represents a reliable, scalable and cost-effective solution for power generation and industrial growth. Gazprom’s technical expertise across the entire gas value chain – which makes it the world’s largest gas producer – provides a valuable blueprint for African nations looking to harness gas for domestic use and export,” states NJ Ayuk, Executive Chairman of the AEC.

Returning to this year’s edition of AEW: Invest in African Energy, Gazprom will bring a wealth of expertise in the exploration, production, transportation, storage, processing, and sales of gas, gas condensate and oil. By collaborating with industry leaders and African stakeholders, Gazprom aims to support the continent’s journey towards energy independence and sustainable development.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of African Energy Chamber.

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