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How international banking from Mauritius is transforming the economic landscape in Sub-Saharan Africa




As global banks search for international projects spread across the world, it creates a window for banks based on African soil, such as those in Mauritius, to leverage upon opportunities emerging on the continent

PORT LOUIS, Mauritius, October 3, 2023/APO Group/ — 

Thavin Audit, Acting Head of International Banking, Bank One (, talks about the key role that Mauritius-based banks are playing in Africa by structuring transactions through their international banking divisions to shape investor interest and channel funds towards impactful projects being run by Financial Institutions (FIs), Central Banks, Sovereigns, and top corporates alike.

An IMF working paper from April 2023 ( estimates that Sub-Saharan Africa could find itself caught in the crossfire as geo-economic fragmentation sees fault lines between nations deepening. It postulates that, in a world fully split into two isolated trading blocs, Sub-Saharan Africa would be hit especially hard because it would lose access to a large share of current trade partners. The report soberingly notes that about half of the region’s value of international trade would be affected in a scenario where the world is split between trading blocs centred around the US & EU, and another around China.

The report, however, holds out a ray of hope when it notes that deepening domestic financial markets can broaden the sources of financing and lower the volatility associated with excessive reliance on foreign inflows. By upgrading domestic financial market infrastructure — including through digitalisation, transparency, and regulation, and expanding financial product diversity — Sub-Saharan African countries can expand financial inclusion, build a broader domestic investor base, and increase attractiveness to a larger set of external investors, it underlines.

It is here that we believe Mauritius has a pivotal role to play in supporting Sub-Saharan African economies to realise their true growth potential by using its expertise as an International Financial Centre (IFC) to extend sophisticated financial instruments to fund the continent’s economic development.

Why are banks from Mauritius going into Sub-Saharan Africa?

A case in point is the Sub-Saharan African strategy being pursued by Bank One for the last three years, coincidentally dating from just before the outbreak of COVID. I&M Group PLC, a Kenya-listed financial services group holding 50% of Bank One, having a strong presence in key East African markets such as Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda combined with significant demographic changes underway in Sub-Saharan Africa, creates a compelling story to address rapidly expanding customer needs in the region. As such, one had to adopt the strategy of leveraging shareholder footprints in the region to provide solutions to both Mauritian and Sub-Saharan African businesses looking to grow.

For instance, while the slogan of Bank One is to bring “African solutions to African challenges”, looking at Sub-Saharan Africa, we know it isn’t an easy journey, as each country has its own characteristics, and these emerging economies are not rated as well as those from more advanced regions by credit agencies. However, if one looks at the space of Financial Institutions (FIs), Central Banks, Sovereigns, or top corporates where our shareholders sit – and scrutinise the individual entities within, it is clear that the probability of default for such large institutions tend to be very low due to the stringent regulations around the banking sector.

Hence, looking at the top-tier financial institutions in Africa, I believe that they are comparable to the highest-rated banks in the global arena. For instance, even if the Nigerian economy itself has unfortunately been downgraded to Caa1 from B3 by Moody’s as recently as February (, its banks are still comparable to the best banks in the world.

As global banks search for international projects spread across the world, it creates a window for banks based on African soil, such as those in Mauritius, to leverage upon opportunities emerging on the continent. Indeed, Africa’s trade finance gap, estimated to be between US$80bn to US$120bn (, has widened further over the past decade, exacerbated by the disruption to global supply chains caused by the COVID pandemic. In this space, it is only those that are too big to fail – large Financial Institutions, Sovereigns and large corporates – that have been able to make a difference to high-impact but long-gestation projects on the ground.

Lessons from this journey to support FIs into Sub-Saharan Africa

Post COVID, supply chains have been further disrupted, and demand is only now picking up. So, big banks based in key African economies need funding for their clients, and most Letters of Credit for trade finance range in tenor between 90 days to one year. That funding space gives banks in Mauritius an opportunity to leverage on those transactions efficiently. For instance, if banks in Nigeria or Tanzania have continuous trade finance requirements, Mauritius-based banks can fulfil those by putting together a small syndication.

In addition, Mauritian banks can leverage on speed of execution, project management skills and low turnaround time to deliver value to the Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) that are seeking to fund projects in Africa. Within the DFI funding the space, a key lesson for banks is that sustainable financing is the way forward. Operating from a Small Island Developing State that is heavily reliant on nature, one must be alert and on guard against extending finance to any project that is harmful to the environment. Addressing the climate crisis and reaching net zero emissions by 2050 is not going to be cheap – but to manage the increasing impacts of climate change on people’s lives, all countries including the sub-Saharan region will need funding and Banks have a crucial part to play.

As local banks in Mauritius, we might not have the biggest balance sheets, but we do have the knowledge and capacity to provide funding

It is also critical to attend the right events and conferences that create the opportunity to the network with right partners for the region. It is important for banks in Mauritius to invest time and effort into attending Global Trade Reviews and leadership platforms such as the Africa CEO Forum that provide the necessary space to build relationships, engage with various institutions including the regulators, and look for opportunities where Mauritius-based banks can create impact financing and position themselves as responsible and trusted funders. On this note, it is heartening to report that the AFSIC conference last year has proven very successful for the Mauritian delegation.

At Bank One, our key takeaway from AFSIC was creating a window to structure transactions by dealing with best-in-class insurance counterparties to diffuse risk on Africa-centric transactions – in a process termed ‘risk deficient’ through insurance support. A best practice for all banks eyeing Africa would then be to collaborate with Moody’s-rated insurance companies on the platform for diffusion of risk, give relief on capital allocation, and make the structured transaction less risky for global partners.

What is the impact being achieved on the ground?

Back in 2020 when COVID first broke out and Bank One was on its first-year trajectory of the long-term journey of its Sub-Saharan Africa strategy, we witnessed pressing issues around shortage of forex (FX) for central banks amid deep disruptions in supply chains. As such, we pioneered a currency swap for central banks. The solution is scalable, profitable, and replicable for other central banks in Sub-Saharan Africa facing FX seasonality challenges. Bank One invited other Mauritian banks to participate in the syndication to expand the space and resources within. Such currency swaps hold the potential to extend powerful assistance to the central banks of the concerned countries to come out of their forex shortages and build their currency reserves. Finally, the funds raised from the currency swaps made significant impact by helping the countries in question to finance food and medicines for their burgeoning populations.

Indeed, going beyond our immediate neighbours in East Africa, our experience has shown us that Mauritius-based banks are also well placed to support banks in West Africa, which are particularly struggling with setting the right frameworks in place and are not necessarily IFRS-compliant based on their adherence to French GAAP instead. Thus, with most banks in West Africa being Francophone, the fact that Mauritius is bilingual and has a legal framework that imbeds both English and French laws, gives us the opportunity and competence to reach out to markets in West Africa where we can help central banks structure their potential transactions.  

In the Non-Banking Financial Institutions (NBFI) space, there are leading microfinance outfits in Africa that are being supported by Mauritius-based banks, such as Bank One, as funders. Here again, the Mauritius IFC is making a clear contribution towards inclusive financing to improve conditions for low-income groups in Africa, be it for buying a small vehicle; investing in home-based agriculture for self-consumption; or improving standards of living for children. A case in point was the funding raised by Bank One for the Letshego Group, one of the leading microfinance institutions in Africa, for a syndication of US$60 million. The first tranche, valued at US$30 million, was successfully completed last year exclusively with a consortium of Mauritian banks. The funding raised allowed the Letshego Group to support 11,000 households in terms of income, as well as assist in business generation and education plans.

Finally, with a view to supporting Sub-Saharan African trade flows, to boost intra-African trade and bridge the region’s trade finance gap, a key milestone achieved by Bank One was the successful facilitation of a US$35 million trade finance facility for a leading oil & gas player, Dalbit International Ltd. By empowering Dalbit’s working capital, this transaction supports the trading of refined petroleum products across East Africa and creates impact at the level of both businesses and households. 

Exploring the right synergies: Collaborating to deepen impact

Ultimately, as the international banking arms of Mauritian banks foray deeper into Africa, it is important for us to acknowledge that the right partners on this journey would be not only local banks in Mauritius but also investment banks in other countries. Given that the appetite for Africa by banks in Mauritius is limited, let alone those based internationally, we must be willing and able to share stories of lessons learnt and create pathways into Africa for other banks. As local banks in Mauritius, we might not have the biggest balance sheets, but we do have the knowledge and capacity to provide funding. We must build capacity in the space, as, together, we can achieve broader and deeper impact.

To conclude, it is not a journey that is paved with overnight success, and it is only over time that we can slowly but surely build our way upwards. Every bank has their own governance and credit appetite, but Africa is a success story that is waiting to happen, and Mauritius can definitely be a key player in accelerating Africa’s transition to higher growth and economic development by spreading the word.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Bank One Limited.


African Energy Week (AEW) 2024 to Navigate the Future of Oil & Gas Financing Amid Energy Transition



The African Energy Week: Invest in African Energy conference will gather industry leaders to explore oil and gas financing tools and strategies in the age of the energy transition

CAPE TOWN, South Africa, September 9, 2024/APO Group/ — 

As the global energy landscape shifts towards cleaner and more sustainable sources, Africa’s oil and gas sector faces challenges in securing financing for upstream projects. Nearly $3 billion was mobilized toward African energy projects in 2023 – with a significant portion directed towards natural gas – according to the African Development Bank (AfDB). As global markets evolve, African financing strategies must adapt to support both economic growth and long-term sustainability.

The Financing Upstream Oil & Gas in the Age of Transition session at African Energy Week (AEW): Invest in African Energy will explore how African oil and gas projects are securing financing in a rapidly changing landscape. The session will unpack evolving regulatory frameworks, innovative financing models and the balance between traditional fossil fuel and renewable energy investments. Moderated by Laura Sima, Director of S&P Global Commodity Insights, the panel will feature Trafigura Group Head of Upstream Finance Matthieu Milandri; Africa Finance Corporation Vice President Taiwo Okwor; and Project & Export Finance Africa Managing Director & Regional Head Fathima Hussain.

AEW: Invest in African Energy is the platform of choice for project operators, financiers, technology providers and government, and has emerged as the official place to sign deals in African energy. Visit for more information about this exciting event.

To address shifting investment priorities, a dedicated Africa Energy Bank (AEB) has been launched by the African Petroleum Producers Organization and African Export-Import Bank. To be based in Abuja, the AEB aims to bridge Africa’s infrastructure funding gap and accelerate the development of energy projects across the continent. As a supranational institution, the AEB will provide critical funds for emerging oil and gas projects across Africa, supporting the sector amid the global energy transition, and is currently open for signature by prospective member states.

African natural gas projects have been a leading destination for foreign investment, as gas is considered a cleaner alternative and even labeled as “green energy” in the EU. Projects like Senegal and Mauritania’s Greater Tortue Ahmeyim LNG – led by bp and Kosmos Energy – have secured $4.8 billion in investment from a mix of equity from the IOCs and debt financing supported by multilateral banks. Blended finance – combining both public and private sector capital – has emerged as a critical solution to mobilizing large-scale financing in Africa’s energy sector. The TotalEnergies-led Mozambique LNG project represents a total post-FID investment of $20 billion, of which $14.9 billion comes from senior debt financing including a blend of loans from export credit agencies, multilateral finance agencies like the International Finance Corporation and the AfDB, and commercial banks.

Significant capital is also flowing to high-potential hydrocarbon basins with strong exploration prospects. In Namibia, multinationals TotalEnergies and Shell are continuing to explore the deepwater Orange Basin, with TotalEnergies allocating 30% of its one-billion-dollar exploration budget to the country in 2024 alone. Namibia’s government has been active in courting global financiers, emphasizing the need for sustainable energy development alongside oil and gas exploration and production. In Angola, TotalEnergies, Petronas and state-owned Sonangol secured a $6-billion FID for the Kaminho deepwater project in Block 20 that will develop the Cameia and Golfinho ultra-deepwater fields. The project will employ an all-electric FPSO unit, designed to minimize greenhouse gas emissions and eliminate routine flaring. Independent upstream company Invictus Energy also recently secured $10 million from local institutional investors for its Cabora Bassa project in Zimbabwe to develop the country’s first major oil and gas field.

The upcoming finance session will also position public-private partnerships as a mechanism for financing large-scale energy infrastructure projects, as well as de-risking investments. The Republic of Congo has advanced the development of its Banga Kayo block through an amended PSC with China’s Wing Wah Oil Company, enabling the commercialization of the block’s gas resources. In Nigeria, the $2.6-billion Ajaokuta–Kaduna–Kano gas pipeline is being financed through both public and private funds, with the Nigerian National Petroleum Company as the main financier and international lenders including the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Bank of China involved. Nigeria’s Federal Government has provided a sovereign guarantee covering 85% of the project’s costs, securing crucial financing and building investor confidence.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of African Energy Chamber.

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The Islamic Development Bank Institute (IsDBI) Completes Pilot Implementation of Islamic Finance Strategic Mapping Framework in Kazakhstan



This comprehensive assessment, conducted in collaboration with the Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC), aimed to identify key opportunities and challenges within the country’s Islamic finance sector

ASTANA, Kazakhstan, September 8, 2024/APO Group/ — 

The Islamic Development Bank Institute (IsDBI) ( is pleased to announce the successful completion of its flagship Islamic Finance Strategic Mapping Framework (IF-MAP, formerly IF-CAF) ( pilot exercise in the Republic of Kazakhstan. This comprehensive assessment, conducted in collaboration with the Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC), aimed to identify key opportunities and challenges within the country’s Islamic finance sector.

The pilot initiative of IF-MAP was launched ( in June 2023, and involved extensive consultations with key stakeholders, including government agencies, financial institutions, and industry experts. The resulting tailored policy recommendations report, which outlines the sector’s progress and provides recommendations for future development, has been submitted to the AIFC.

AIFC’s commitment to promoting Islamic finance is evident through favorable conditions offered to Islamic financial companies to operate in both the retail and corporate sectors

As one of the key outcomes of the exercise, IsDBI and AIFC jointly developed the Kazakhstan Islamic Finance Country Report 2024 ( which H.E. the Governor of AIFC, H.E. Mr. Renat Bekturov, launched on 6 September during the Astana Finance Days. The report highlights the immense potential of Islamic finance in supporting Kazakhstan’s economic growth and development.

In his welcome address, H.E. Mr. Renat Bekturov noted: “This report not only provides a comprehensive overview of the Islamic finance industry but also highlights our shared vision for the future.  AIFC’s commitment to promoting Islamic finance is evident through favorable conditions offered to Islamic financial companies to operate in both the retail and corporate sectors. The report is an invaluable guide for investors, policymakers, and stakeholders.”

Commenting on the successful completion of the pilot exercise, Dr. Sami Al-Suwailem, Acting Director General of IsDBI, stated, “We are delighted to have collaborated with the AIFC on this important initiative. The Kazakhstan Islamic Finance Country Report offers a valuable analysis of the sector’s current state and future prospects. We believe that the report, together with the IF-MAP policy recommendations submitted to the AIFC, will be instrumental in guiding policymakers, investors, and financial institutions as they work to harness the full potential of Islamic finance in Kazakhstan.”

The IsDB Institute remains committed to supporting the growth and development of the Islamic finance industry worldwide. Through its research, training, and capacity-building programs, the Institute seeks to contribute to the creation of a more inclusive and sustainable financial system.

The Kazakhstan Islamic Finance Country Report 2024 is accessible on IsDBI website here:

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Islamic Development Bank Institute (IsDBI).

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ST Telemedia Global Data Centres Reinforces Commitment to Digital India, Invests US$3.2 billion to add 550MW Data Centre Capacity



SINGAPORE – Media OutReach Newswire – 6 September 2024 – ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (STT GDC), one of the world’s fastest-growing data centre colocation services provider headquartered in Singapore, today announced a significant investment of US$3.2 billion (INR 26,000 crores) to expand its data centre capacity in India by a substantial 550MW, nearly tripling the company’s IT load capacity to meet the demands of India’s thriving digital economy, over the next 5-6 years.

This strategic investment reflects STT GDC’s confidence in India and the growth of its digital economy, as well as aligning with the burgeoning demand for digital infrastructure, driven by the surge in data consumption, cloud computing, digital transformation, and growing adoption of AI applications. This investment also further solidifies our market leadership in India, where we already command about 28% of market share by revenue.

STT GDC India is majority-owned by STT GDC in partnership with Tata Communications Ltd, which holds a minority stake in the company. STT GDC India’s portfolio consists of 28 data centres across 10 cities throughout India. Today, its data centre portfolio has a total combined capacity of over 318MW of IT load, with a well-diversified portfolio of about 1,000 enterprise customers that include many Fortune 500 companies. More recently, STT GDC India was recognised as a Great Place to Work for the fifth consecutive year, as well as one of the Best Places to Work in Asia.

“As we celebrate STT GDC’s 10th anniversary this year, embarking on this ambitious expansion is a sign of our confidence in Digital India and the future of one of STT GDC’s strategic and fastest growing markets globally. Prime Minister Modi’s vision for Digital India has paved the way for opportunity; today the India digital economy’s growth rate of almost three times overall GDP growth is putting the country on pace to achieve a US$1 trillion digital economy by 2027-20281. At STT GDC, we want to play an active role in co-investing and contributing to India’s long-term success by investing in the foundational digital infrastructure that will help further accelerate Digital India. We are excited about the opportunities ahead and are confident in our ability to contribute significantly to India’s digital transformation,” said Bruno Lopez, President and Group Chief Executive Officer, ST Telemedia Global Data Centres.

STT GDC, along with several other Singapore business leaders, participated in a Business Roundtable with Prime Minister Narendra Modi hosted by the Singapore Business Federation on 5 September 2024.

1India digital economy: India to be $1 trillion digital economy by FY28: IT minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar – The Economic Times (

About ST Telemedia Global Data Centres
ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (STT GDC) is one of the fastest-growing data centre providers with a global platform serving as a cornerstone of the digital ecosystem that helps the world to connect. Powering a sustainable digital future, STT GDC operates across Singapore, the UK, Germany, India, Thailand, South Korea, Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam, providing businesses an exceptional foundation that is built for their growth anywhere. For more information, visit

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